The Course/ 课程介绍

This course is specifically designed for those who feel that it is time for them to release and explore their hidden creative energy, but who have no idea how to break free from the restrictions of their deeply-rooted conventional training. The course will not only help them to set free their creative energy and imaginative powers, but will also give them an understanding of how art courses in the West are structured and run, and prepare them for entrance examinations for these courses, should they wish to apply for them/
本课程是为那些深受传统训练所缚, 急需释放自身创作潜能的人所专门设计。它将有助开发创造力和想象力, 加深对西方艺术课程结构及运行方式的了解, 并为报考这些课程做充分准备。

This is a 2-week intensive course. Any application to pursue a part of the course will not be accepted/
本课程为为期 2周的强化训练。恕不接受任何只参加部分课程的申请。

Eligibility/ 本课程入学条件
The course is open to all those who are:
1. Over 18 years of age/ 年龄满18岁
2. An art teacher/ 艺术教师
3. A student currently attending an art college or university/ 艺术类大学或大专院校在读生
4. A student of any other college or university course/ 其他大学或大专院校在读生
5. Not a college or university student, but interested in creative art/ 非大学或大专院校在读生,但对艺术创作感兴趣
6. Planning to come to the West to study art at some point in the future, to pursue either a first degree course or a postgraduate course/

7. A current student or tutor of any painting or sculpture department in a college or university/ 所有绘画/雕塑专业类学生及教师


1Arrival and leaving dates / 抵达与返程日期

Arrival date :   14th July    7 月 14 日

Leaving date :  29th July   7月 29 日

We will pick you up and see you off at Penang International Airport only.


2Course dates and times/ 课程的具体日期和时间
The course runs from 15th July  - 26th July 2017  /   7 月 15 日    7 月 26 日
Saturday – Wednesday   /   周六 至 周三 ( 周四/五 休息)

Size of classes/ 招生规模
There will be a maximum of 12 students per class/ 本次招生仅限12名学生

Languages used in classes/ 课堂使用语言
Classes will be taught in both English and Chinese/ 上课采用中英文双语教学


Terminology/ 专用术语
Some simple and useful art terminology in English will be taught as part of the course/


Kettles/ 热水壶
Electric kettles will be available both in the studios and all hotel rooms/ 在画室及所有宾馆房间内都有电热水壶. 茶叶自备。

英制度的三角插头。250 V。请携带转换插头。

Non-Smoking Zone/ 无烟区
Smoking is not permitted in any of the studios. Those who wish to smoke may only do so outside the buildings/ 马亚西亚所有画室/视听室/宾馆内均禁止吸烟(吸烟违法)。只能在室外吸烟。

Meals / 三餐

We are unable to provide any dishes you might want to order apart from the Malaysian local cuisine, which includes Malay, Indian, Malaysian Chinese, and Ngnoya dishes. While fruit juices and soft beverages are included in the price, all alcoholic drinks should be paid for separately by the customers themselves.

我们只能供应马来西亚当地的菜肴。它包挂: 马来餐, 当地华侨中餐, 娘惹和印度餐,以 及所有的饮料和果汁。



Enrolment forms/ 申请表格
The application form can be downloaded from our website: Online applications only will be accepted, at

入学申请表可到我们的网址www.zfa-art.com下载, 我们接受在线报名。

Please send the completed form, along with 6 images of your work (600 x 800 pixels, 150 dpi) and a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself, to our email address at

请将填好的表格,连同您的6张作品图像(每张图像大小应小于600 x 800 pixels,150 dpi)及一张近期护照照片(2寸), 发至我们的电子信箱

Closing Date for the Application / 报名截止日期

31st May 2017           5 月 31 日 2017

Although the closing date for applications is 14th May 2017, the course, which is limited to 12 places,

will be booked on a first come, first served basis.

但录取(12 位)告满后, 可随时终止报名截至时间。恕不另行通知。 

Certificates/ 证书
Upon completion of the course, a certificate will be presented to those who have satisfied the course requirements of/
学完所有课程并满足以下条件, 我们将颁发学习证书
1.   An attendance of at least 70% and/ 出席率达70%以上
2.   A level of work which meets our requisite standard/ 达到我们所要求的创作水平

Fees/ 费用
The full course fee is 29000 RMB/ 整个课程费用 29000元人民币
This includes : / 包括以下部分:

1.   Tuition fees/ 学费

2.   Accommodation in an international-standard 3-star hotel (shared twin bedroom) from 14th July till midday 29th July. (If required, single rooms are also available at an additional cost of 4000 RMB, bringing the total course fee to 33000 RMB. This also includes single-room accommodation for the one night of the course spent away from Taiping)

住宿为国际标准3星级的宾馆(双人标准间), 从7月14日住到7月29日中午止。如果有需要住单间的, 需额外加收4000元人民币,

3.   Breakfast , lunch and dinner up to and including the morning of 29th July/
提供早餐,午餐及晚餐, 截止至7月29日早上。

4.   A sketching trip to the world’s largest mangrove forest, in Matang.

      A boat trip in the evening to watch the fireflies.

       A half day trip to Pangkor Island.

     (return transport and lunch included)

提供  一日到世界最大的红树林去速写和木炭烧制窑之旅。



(早上出发, 下午回)。 包含来回车费, 船费, 中与晚餐相关费用。

5. Pickup from Penang International Airport on arrival, and drop-off back there on departure


6. A deposit of 1000 RMB should be transferred to us within 7 days of our acknowledging receipt of your application form and other documents. Until we have received this deposit, we cannot issue your letter of acceptance on the course. If, for some reason, your application for an entry visa is refused, we will retain the full deposit of 1000 RMB to cover our professional and administration fees/
在我们收到您的申请表格及其他材料后, 我们将发出确认邮件, 随后请您在7天内将1000  人民币的定金支付给我们。我们在收到定金后, 才会签发您的入学通知书,如果您中途撤消赴马课程计划, 我们将会扣留此定金 1000 RMB作为我们的行政费用。

Please ensure that both your deposit and the full balance of your course fee have been transferred to us from your bank and cleared our account by no later than 26th June 2017, or your place will be automatically cancelled and there will be no refunds. Our bank details are as follows: /
请确保您全部的学费在6月26, 2017 号之前, 都已全额转入我们的帐户。否则, 我们将自动取消您的名额且不返还任何费用。


BANK/ 银行:                                        ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND (83-28-20)
ADDRESS/ 地址:                                 GLENEDEN COURT
                                                            KIRKINTILLOCH ROAD
                                                            GLASGOW G66 4LW
                                                            UK (英国)

ACCOUNT NAME/ 账户名称:             CCMA
ACCOUNT NUMBER/ 账户号码:        00226294,
IBAN NUMBER/ 国际银行辨别号:      GB74 RBOS 8328 2000 226294.
BIC / SWIFT NUMBER:                      RBOS GB 2L



BANK/ 银行:                                        BANK OF CHINA, 中国银行
ACCOUNT NAME/ 账户名称:             HOCK AUN TEH
ACCOUNT NUMBER/ 账户号码:        6217256300006725203


Refunds/ 退款
No refunds will be given under any circumstances or for any reasons:
1. Once you have started the Course

Materials/ 原料
Paper and other artistic materials may be purchased in Taiping. However, students are advised to bring along their own materials, such as paper, pencils, ink, brushes, water-colour paints, gouache, sketch books, glue, small scissors, and materials for whatever other media you wish to explore and experience/
在太平可买到纸张和其他艺术颜料。当然, 建议您自行携带所需的创作用品, 比如纸张, 铅笔, 画笔, 墨水, 水彩颜料, 水粉画颜料, 素描薄, 胶水, 小剪刀, 笔记本及其他任何您想尝试的原料。


Insurance/ 保险

All students must arrange and pay for their own travel and medical insurance before their arrival in Malaysia/



郑傅安现代艺术创作营 - 马来西亚太平